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Friday, November 21, 2003,

So bored right now. I think I'm overdoing it on snacks and sweets. My mum told me that she went to the temple and asked for advice about selling the house, and she was told that we shouldn't sell the house. Anyway, the old man (my dad) is so crazy about MSN now. He ants to talk to ~LILY~, I guess. I mean, come on! She's only like, 19 or 20! She's younger than my oldest sister! He's also changed his bloody religeon because of her! He makes me sick.

Lord of The Rings movie marathon tickets are sold out. I SO wanted it for my birthday present! 9 am to 9 pm! 12 hours of Legolas goodness. <333

There's NPCC training on December 6th. I don't wanna go. It's gonna be very tiring, I tell you. I hate PT!

Anyway, I'm gonna go play Medal of Honour: Allied Assault! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

2:15 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2003,

Wahey! The cook for the restaurant left on Tuesday. Anyway, the 11th was my sister's birthday. At around 2 plus, she came into my room (which I share with my mum, in case you've forgotten) and told my mum about her day. Later at about three, my mum woke me up and told me to 'blow candle' (which meant cut the cake and stuffs). Me and my sister were left behind to clean up and I had to hang to clothes. ~Un-glam~ She let me drink Kahlúa (a type of liquor) with milk. It tasted like iced coffee with a kick. =D~~~ Then she brought down her un-finished stout and let me drink it too. I suggested we play a drinking game so it would be more fun. She taught me 'tortise, tortise jump' (direct translation in chinese is ~wu gui, wu gui tiao~) and '5-10'. I went upstairs after that and looked at the time. 5 am. =D I wrote in my diary a bit and went to sleep. Thank goodness I didn't suffer from a hangover!

Today I bought a new cap which cost me around five quid. It's black and looks like a beret. That reminds me, I was supposed to go for my Police Ambassador Briefing or some-other the week before's Saturday (Last, last Saturday) and another one this Saturday. I don't think I'm going cos I asked my Sir and he told me that it was receiving of the certs for last, last Saturday's one. That counts me out, doesn't it? =D

Anyway, the other post at the bottom doesn't seem to be in the site. Maybe it'll appear after I post and publish this entry. Oh, well. ^_^

8:58 PM

Sunday, November 09, 2003,

Guess what? I crashed my sister's computer and now I'm banned, which means I can't come online too often and create new entries. My mum was really pissed with my dad yesterday. More that usual. 'Why?' you ask. Simple.

My dad is going to make her bankrupt by making her pay almost 29 GRAND for his office rental.

29 Grand.

$29, 000.

Twenty-nine Thousand Dollars.

Twenty-nine THOUSAND Dollars.


She told me that she called up the people and found out it was for around a year. What the feck was he thinking? That the rental was free? That my mum would work her ass off to pay the thing for him? NO. I WILL NOT LET HER. It's practically TWO YEARS of her fecking PAY. He's a freeloader, you know that? He made her pay SEVEN FIFTY A BLEDDY MONTH last time and now? You go calculate by yourself. Last night I told her that if she couldn't get to sleep, she had to tell me so 'd stay up with her and talk till she could sleep. (Yes, I sleep with her. :-/)

This morning she told me that we had to sell the house. I already had it coming. I was doing fortune telling with cards and one of them said that I was going to have a change in residence. Yeah, it's THAT accurate.

I don't want to talk about this stupid matter. It's making me very unhappy. Anyway, I can't wait for 'The Return of The King'. It's coming out on December 17th! Argh! *dies* Hmm.. Who should I go with? Kai Ting? Xinyi wouldn't wanna go cos she'd prolly say 'my brother say not nice' and this and that. I feel that she listens too much to her bro's 'comments'. He made me miss 'Pirates of the Caribbean', dammit. Never mind. I'll get the VCD. Luff @ Orlando Bloom> <3 I guess you know why my blog skin is Legolas. =D

3:39 PM